Monday, 23 January 2012

Review of my Pitch

Just today I had to stand in front of class and present my 25 word pitch which I created on Animoto. After the viewing had finished I had to answer some questions form the class. I'm fairly sure my Animoto video went down well but I think I struggled witht he questions a little bit. I answered all of them but on some I struggled to properly respond to the best of my ability so may not have clearly got all of my points across. Overall I think it went pretty good and the members of my class got a better idea of what my idea is. This is a video that shows me responding to questions from members of my class regarding my animoto pitch.

Out of the other members of my class there were two other pitches that I thought out of the rest of the class were particularly good. Firstly, I thought Vishal Kumar's pitch about American Hip-hop was very well delivered from how out of everyones pitch his gave the most clear showing of what his magazine is about. Secondly, I liked Jack Olund's pitch because although I am creating a Rap/Hip-hop magazine, he included a lot of rock artists which I also like such as Blink 182 and Angels and Airwaves

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