Monday, 6 February 2012

Draft Article

He is one of favourite new artists for 2011 and we are convinced he is going worldwide in 2012.Not only is Harry Yates the self-proclaimed FIFA 12 don (don’t ask), he also finds time to write tight tracks, produce a string of tunes, rock his own garms and is pretty nifty behind the mic. After performances on Jools Holland and Radio 1’s ‘Young Guns 2011’ live lounge he has left everyone in the Blazin’ HQ fist pumping   We’ve been keeping up with him as his whirlwind of a 2011 becomes his biggest year yet with big hype around him for 2012.

Harry is a home-grown music artist from Leicester. He became a fan of British Rap from the age of around 14. He earned his fame from constant performing at local clubs and bars, and his ability at free style Rap and performances. He’s big on staying in touch with his fans through his fan pages on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, he also posts recordings of himself performing on MySpace. At the minute he is on the fringe of becoming successful in the UK and has an oncoming album which will be released in April 2012….Interview by Richard Knight.

Welcome to Blazin’ Harry!

Thanks for having me mate.

Firstly, tell us about the new album, what’s behind the idea of ‘Redemption’?

For me the title means what I’m experiencing, it’s my truth. Redemption is a list of tracks I have been working on for the last few years of recording and just scribbling down my thoughts and layed down onto a mixture of hard and soft beats. I hope to put things onto the radio that aren’t normally said or represented. I do feel young people are mis-represented by the media, so I just wanted to write something with more honesty.

You completed your album once and scrapped it. How does this differ to before?

I originally tried some girl singers, but sometimes I’m just trying to write and there’s too many ego’s in the room (laughs) so I was just worried that this big inspiration I had was just going to be a big ego. I’m hopping my new material connects better with the audience and shows my real side.

How would you describe your style in a few words?

Ermmm, Rookie, Over-confident, Constant, Keen, Smooth, Trendy, Rebellious and R.O.C.K.S.T.A.R

(Laughs) You must have been chuffed to have signed for Virgin Records for your album?

Yea, I mean I never had massive hopes for Redemption, but now with Virgin they’ve helped me really develop it into a project I can be proud of, they also hooked me up to collaborate with producers like Labrinth. They earned my respect when they stood by and respected my decision to scrap my album.

How did you being on Radio 1’s Young Guns 2011 come about?

My agent (laughs) and mate, Chris ‘Business’ Banks, is a diamond on the phones. I mean whenever I need anything he can sort it and he’s been working overtime to push my album and when he called asked me about it I jumped at it!

We had a look through you back catologue and there is a huge mix of sounds from angry shouting to almost soul singing, why did you have such a broad sound?

When I first started recording I had loads of ideas and I just literally tried everything. Sometimes I would wake up in the night in a sweat and an idea and just have to get up and note it down. I mean my first couple of recordings were just tests and i'm not ashamed to say some didnt work.

What would you say are your career ambitions for the future?

Errrm (few second pause), I suppose I would like this album to be a platform for me to get me recognised and known so I can head up in the game and hopefully in the future colaborate with bigger artists and have big chart successes.

What would you say to potential fans who may be interested in you?

I'm young, i'm fresh and I want to bring something new to the music scene and I hope that you will be able to have a listen to my tracks and relate to them because in the end I make music to entertain.

Complete the sentence: I'm influenced by...

Just life, everyday life. In the beginning, I used to listen to lots of people, when I had more time. I listen to Professor Green, a lot. He made me realise there are more people like me that can make beats and spit and DJ. He was a big inspiration to me. Now, when peoples UK albums come out I buy them.

What is the best gig you have played to date?

I dunno man, I suppose if I had to pick, when I played The Jazz Cafe in Camden. It may not have been the biggest gig that I have played to date, but it was the first propa' time I have played a gig that everyone that had showed up new my lyrics and were singing them back, it was like having hundreds of friends in one room.

Thanks Harry, we really wish you big success for the future

My pleasure mate, thanks for having me!

Harry's album, Redemption, is released 6th April 2012

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